Beginner Classes

8 Week Beginner Handbuilding: The Infinite Kit (Saturdays 10am-1pm) March 8th - May 3rd (No Class April 26th) - $465
to May 3

8 Week Beginner Handbuilding: The Infinite Kit (Saturdays 10am-1pm) March 8th - May 3rd (No Class April 26th) - $465

8 Week Beginner Handbuilding: The Infinite Kit (Saturdays 10am-1pm) March 8th - May 3rd (No Class April 26th)

With Sara Hensel

Welcome to The Infinite Kit: Introduction to Handbuilding! This course is designed to offer an ocean of exposure to the tools and techniques of handbuilding with clay! Whether you’re clay-curious or deep in the sickness, this class will be a gentle and joyful space to nurture your practice!

Learn the foundations of hand built pottery, no clay experience necessary!

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